Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Times Past

Everyone has always told me that children "grow up so fast." You never realize how true this is until you have children of your own. I have two boys, Kaiden, who's six and Kamrin, who's four. Every time that they have said or done something funny, not so funny or at least noteworthy, I thought, "I'll never forget this." Right. I can't even remember how much each of them exactly weighed when they were born. I tried starting a baby book and that's as far as it got. I feel so bad for Kamrin sometimes, because being the youngest, mom just ran out of time to do things. He doesn't have a baby book. I have an old empty diaper box that I just throw things they've drawn, projects they've made, reports from teachers...hoping I will sort it out someday. We have a photo album of pictures of Kaiden when he was young, Kamrin thinks they're of him. I sometimes let him think that because all of the photos I have of him are on CD, my camera or facebook.

Anyway, in this new age of technology, I've decided that I need to start writing things down. Somehow capture them, so the boys have some proof of their childhood existence. I want them to know some of the silly, lovely, and beautiful things they said and did when they were growing up. Who knows if this will survive the technology upgrades that happen nearly daily? My son ran across an roll of film in a container, unused, and looked up at me and said, "What's this?" But at least now I can say I tried. And maybe, just maybe, someday they will be able to share it with their own children.

So, here we go. I'm going to start with some of the stories I do remember. Maybe I'll have to scroll through some of my facebook posts and see if that jogs any memories as well. Then, I think I'll just keep up with the day to day.

1 comment:

  1. Angie, This is such a great idea. Will look forward to reading it. Linda
